Just uploaded a few pictures of Kathryn’s new tasty treats…her feet. Just recently she’s taken to putting her foot in her mouth when you take off her diaper to change her (a few photos were left out or edited for publication). It’s pretty cute. Anyway, enjoy.
Oh yeah, and she’s discovering the computer, too. ;-)
It’s been a whirlwind holiday season! The Lerch family was in Chicago to celebrate Kathryn’s first Christmas!
Kathryn did great on the flights back and forth. She loved the airport as she is facinated by all the people. She was definetly a head turner hanging out in her Bjorn carrier wearing her little Santa cap. She gave and received lots of smiles. As this was Kathryn’s second plane flight she felt she was a pro and wanted to hand over her own boarding pass to the gate agent.
The last month has just flown by! Mostly becuase it has been so fun! Emil and I have loved this age. I’ve been back at work 3 days a week and Kathryn has been going to daycare. She still seems to love the other older children!
This month Kathryn got to see her Grandma and Grandpa Sloan and Grammy and Great Grammy Lerch! In addition, she met her uncles and cousin on the Gehman side over Thanksgiving.
Sorry about the large amount of video and pictures, but Kathryn has just been getting cuter and cuter! The last couple weeks have been very busy. She had her second series of immunization shots (for the same things as her first series) on October 25th, which she took very well. She spent some time on that day interviewing for a day care provider and settled on Heidi, an in home provider.
Grammy Lerch came for her first visit with Kathryn last week! They had a great time playing together with Kathryn’s toys including the pink puppy and the little monkey. Grammy also read Kathryn ‘Fox in Sox’, which she very much enjoyed.
Unfortunately while Grammy was here Kathryn started to have odd night wakings where she required additional burping and was spitting up. Back to the pediatrician we went, where she was diagnosed with acid reflux.
Kathryn is now 3 months old! It has gone by so fast. All of her 0-3 clothes are now put away.
:-( But we are now in tons of new 3-6 month outfits! Including her super-cute apple outfit. Check out her latest pics.
In the last month Kathryn did get a cold, even in her eyes (very goopy), and that was no fun. I was sick at the same time with a fever.
…this is the message we received two days ago in response to the letter that grandfather Mike sent to put Kathryn on the waiting list for 4 season tickets to the Green Bay Packers. Hopefully this will be a good retirement gift for her. Their web page says 57,000 names are on the list and the average wait time is 30 years, but with over 70,000 on the list it could take a little longer.
There are more pictures now on Shutterfly, covering:
August 29th-September 7th (most of the time the family was in Chicago) September 13th-16th, covering some really cute stuff that Kathryn did during a visit from her friend Abby and over the weekend We have another couple videos coming to a computer screen near you sometime very soon…
Tons and tons of pictures and videos await! The family was in Chicago for 18 days to help plan and prepare for Kelly’s sister’s wedding. Well, the wedding was just fantastic, and there are lots of pictures and several videos of:
Cutting the cake Dad/Daughter dance The happy couple’s first dance Kelly’s speech, complete with rap to the tune of ice ice baby Matt’s speech (apologizes for only getting a portion…Emil claims he was distracted by the baby) Mike’s speech The rehearsal Lyrics to ‘Love Love Baby’:
(if you want to skip all the crazy pediatrician update, yes, there are more Kathryn pictures on Shutterfly!)
It’s been a pretty busy time the last few weeks. The family has been working on a sleep schedule, preparing for Kelly’s sister’s wedding, and traveling to Chicago.
Now that the excuses are out of the way, Kathryn had her second regular pediatrician appointment, which included several shots of the standard CDC recommended immunization series.